Drag Queen Story Hour...Who is Being Served?

Editor's note: We are pleased to offer this guest blog by a long-time friend of FBB, a retired RCMP officer with decades of service. We believe you will be blessed by his firm stand and persuasive voice.

All truly reasonable  people in the history of humanity have agreed that  the sexualization of children is an egregious wrong, as did the law...until now. Alberta, formerly Canada’s bastion of liberty, freedom and prosperity, in  large measure as a by-product of its “Bible-belt” under-pinnings, has thrown yet another pastor in jail, this time for having the temerity to  interrupt a "Drag Queen Children’s Story Hour” at a public library in  Calgary. 

Armed only with a Bible and a mission to defend the innocence of  children, Mission7 Pastor Derek Reimer walked into the middle of  the “story” and verbally reprimanded staff and parents for subjecting children to inappropriate sexual conduct, i.e., men in makeup, heels and thongs, “twerking” and lewdly gesticulating in the faces of  innocent kids, as we have seen in so many drag queen story hours everywhere. 

The public library, a time-honoured institution affording a quiet atmosphere of discovery for young and old. Incredibly, it has now become the venue of choice for men in drag who wish to teach children a lesson they will never forget. (It’s impossible to “unsee” what they “teach”). Until recently, they were only allowed to perform their fantasies in a gay bar or nightclub. Neither they nor their adults-only audience could have dreamed their performances would ever see the light of day, much less go “mainstream” in the local library at a ‘Moms & Tots’ story hour. 

Fast forward to Calgary in 2023. With the enthusiastic approval and  encouragement of the library staff, parents, and mayor, these self identified “queens” are the toast of the town, invited to assert and celebrate their gender-bending “rights” before that last demographic to  be conquered in the quest for diversity and inclusion—our preschoolers. 

Pastor Reimer’s ministry is to love the homeless people of  Calgary, feeding both the bellies and souls of marginalised street people who have fallen through the proverbial cracks. Likewise, as a  minister of the Christian gospel, his faith compels him to willingly put his personal safety and freedom on the line to address grievous wrongs that are causing great harm to children. 

The inconvenient truth is that the cultural “woke-ness” that declares the pastor’s views “offensive” has made him a target of “hate,” not only by the men who physically and violently forced him out the door and then pushed him to the floor, but by Calgary’s mayor, who not only demands tolerance and acceptance of lewd displays in front of children, but forbids any expression of peaceful (albeit loud) disagreement. 

The only violence and force on display to date has been that directed  against the preacher whose Charter rights of free expression have clearly been violated. 

Only recently has it become fashionable in Alberta to arrest pastors. It’s a slippery slope that began with the enforcement of Charter-violating Covid restrictions that in retrospect were not only ineffective but immeasurably harmful to society. 

Now, pastors who admonish those demanding access to our children to normalise their fetishes are deemed to be spewing “hate.” Any mention of  foreseeable harm is quickly smothered from the public conversation, not because such harm is unknown, but because only the  approved narrative is allowed. And violators will be persecuted if not prosecuted. One is reminded of the religious  purges in the old Soviet Union, as well as China’s current “re-education” camps crammed full of Falun Gong adherents and Uyghur Muslims. 

Lest anyone continue to defend the harsh treatment of the young cleric, I would remind them that when he stepped into the hornet’s nest that swarmed him at the library he did not represent an aberrant, fringe militant group spewing hatred. Rather, it was an aberrant, fringe militant group spewing hatred that man-handled him and literally threw him out the door. As is typical in woke thinking and action, the intolerance they condemn is the very thing its disciples unashamedly  demonstrate. 

At the core of this issue is the jettisoning of social norms that derive from natural law, strengthened by Christian ideals. With quasi-religious fervour they enforce “tolerance, diversity and inclusivity,” never realising they display the opposite of what they preach when Christian pastors are repeatedly harassed, fined, and jailed for putting a spotlight on programs that are clearly harmful to children. 


It is astonishing that Canadian governments have so soon forgotten the founding principles upon which our country was built, or how those principles were derived from the same God who has now nspired a Calgary pastor to confront what is clearly “evil” in His eyes. In Canada, our anthem's refrain, “God keep our land, glorious and  free,” once signalled our people’s devotion to their Creator. But now I have to ask, who will “keep our land” now that we’ve tossed such ideals aside to silence and incarcerate those who warn against confusing children’s innate sense of right  and wrong, normal and abnormal? 

Proponents of Drag Queen Story Hours claim there is no indoctrination or systematic “grooming” by these provocatively dressed (or mostly undressed) female impersonators. Such  disclaimers offer no comfort to those who understand this is one more method to promote gender-confusion in children. 

John Norvat II, author of Return to Order and hundreds of published  essays, has uncovered the more subliminal motivations behind the typical drag queen’s obnoxious demand for access to children: 

“The innocent child represents the rejection of the drag queen. The latter craves universal and unconditional acceptance. Adults and  teens can be intimidated by the overbearing culture to accept the  drag queen, however, the young child does not sense this  intimidation inside his wonder-world. Thus, the drag queen seeks out the young child to force his acceptance inside the context of a weaponized story hour.”

Not so long ago, it would have been the police who interrupted such an event, and if necessary, forcibly put a stop to the lewd presentation in order to protect the public, especially children.  Child Protective Services would have investigated parents whose judgement was so obviously lacking when exposing their children to such activity. But now that our laws and lawmakers condone such activity, citizens are criminalised the moment they step in to protect the minds of innocent kids. 

Finally, the clarion demand from authorities for “safe spaces” signifies  that “democracy” is no longer defined as “a way of governing which  depends on the will of the people.”  Instead, Canada’s democratic ideals have morphed into “woke” politicians crafting new laws behind closed doors, thus belying their feigned commitment to reflect the “will of the  people.” In short, our proudly “woke” government is championing the agenda of aberrant people, and our kids will ultimately pay the biggest price for such folly. 

In due course we will all rue the day that men of the Bible-belt were supplanted by men in a garter-belt. And without an ‘about-face’ soon, our collective destruction will follow that of past empires, just as surely as the sun sets in the west. As was observed in ancient times by the  prophet Isaiah, 

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil” (Isaiah 5:20).

To read more about Pastor Derek, click on the following. . . 

Canadian pastor arrested after protesting drag queen story hour event at

Calgary library | The Post Millennial | thepostmillennial.com

Calgary pastor accused of hate-motivated crimes at drag storytime

released from jail | CBC News

Calgary city council passes bylaw that puts distance between protestors,

city facilities - Calgary | Globalnews.ca

Two protesters arrested in Calgary at children's drag queen story hour -


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